Apr 26, 2023

Essays on Abortion: Insightful Perspectives and Real-Life Examples to Inspire Your Writing

Abortion is a complex and highly debated topic that touches on issues of morality, politics, and personal choice. Whether you're writing an essay for a class or simply want to explore the topic more deeply, finding the right inspiration and structure for your writing can be a challenge. But fear not: in this article, we've gathered some of the most compelling examples of abortion essays and broken down the essential elements of a strong abortion essay. Whether you're pro-choice, pro-life, or somewhere in between, this article has something for everyone. So buckle up and get ready for an insightful and thought-provoking exploration of this controversial topic.

When writing an essay on the abortion debate, it is important to provide insightful perspectives to help readers understand the complex issues. One way to do this is by offering real-life examples that illustrate the impact of abortion on individuals and society as a whole. By highlighting both the personal and societal consequences of this controversial topic, you can help readers gain a more nuanced understanding of the issue.

For instance, you could discuss how access to safe abortion legislation has improved women's health and autonomy in countries where it is legal. On the other hand, you could also explore how restrictive abortion laws can lead to unsafe and illegal procedures, putting women's health and lives at risk.

In addition to providing real-life examples, it's important to offer insightful perspectives on the abortion essay arguments. This might involve examining the legal, social, and ethical considerations of abortion and how different perspectives on these issues might shape public policy.

Overall, writing an essay on the abortion debate requires careful thought, research, and analysis. By providing insightful perspectives and real-life examples, you can help readers understand the complexities of this important topic.

About abortion essay arguments

The abortion essay arguments surrounding induced abortion are complex and multifaceted, with many ethical considerations at play. One of the primary debates is the role of abortion legislation in regulating access to this medical procedure. 

Some argue that regulations that restrict access to abortion, particularly for minors, are necessary to protect the welfare of individuals and society at large. Others contend that such regulations infringe upon the rights of individuals to make their own decisions about their bodies.

Despite these debates, it is clear that the risks associated with illegal abortion methods are significant, and that individuals who seek out these methods may face serious health consequences. It is therefore important to ensure that safe and legal abortion services are accessible to those who need them, to protect the health and well-being of women and their families.

Types of Abortion

  • Medical Abortion: This type of abortion involves taking medication to induce the termination of a pregnancy. It typically involves taking two drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol, over the course of several days to cause the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy. 

  • Surgical Abortion: This type of abortion involves a procedure to remove the contents of the uterus. There are several methods of surgical abortion, including vacuum aspiration, dilation and curettage (D&C), dilation and evacuation (D&E), and induction abortion. The type of surgical abortion used will depend on the stage of pregnancy and other factors. 

  • Chemical Abortion: This is another term for medical abortion, which involves taking medication to induce abortion. 

  • Late-Term Abortion: This refers to an abortion that takes place after the first trimester of pregnancy (usually after 24 weeks). Late-term abortions are typically performed only in cases where the life or health of the mother is at risk or in cases of severe fetal abnormalities.

How to Write an Argumentative Essay on Abortion

The pros and cons of terminating a pregnancy can be found in an argumentative essay on the topic. One of the most distinguishing features of this type of essay is that it can be written from multiple perspectives. 

Some may conceive of this essay regarding psychology and sociology, while some may care passionately about writing pro-choice essays on abortion and pushing their views in the areas of healthcare and research. No matter your perspective, you must do some groundwork and ensure you correctly process your arguments and data.

Writers of abortion essays should maintain a neutral stance. Those who are very sensitive to the stated topic should not be offended by the topic, the selection of arguments, or the wording used.

The purpose of an argumentative abortion essay is to present the issue and the supporting and opposing arguments. Providing context, outlining the topic's current situation, and incorporating the most recent research is also crucial.

Honesty is paramount when considering a title for an abortion essay. The title shouldn't be misleading or inappropriate in any way. If you're writing an essay on why abortion is wrong, for example, you'll need to decide whether you'll be arguing for or against the topic overall.

What is the structure of writing an abortion essay?

As we all know that a standard essay has an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs (usually 3-5), and a conclusion. Even the abortion essay follows this rule. Abortion essays are similar to other essays in many ways, but there are a few key differences that necessitate a somewhat unique approach.


Before you can even begin to write your abortion essay, you need to define the term. Although virtually everyone is familiar with the term "abortion," a clear definition is still required. You can mention afterward how current research or events have made abortion an extremely divisive issue. Your major goal after an introduction should be to show how you feel about the subject.

The task at hand is to put your thoughts into a concise thesis statement. The question, "Should the nation decide for women what to do with their lives and bodies?" is a good candidate for a thesis statement.

Core content

The following structure could be used for the essay's body if you choose to argue in favor of abortion: Provide a single argument against abortion and two or three paragraphs in favour of the practice. Don't just say abortion is good or evil without providing arguments either way.


You should briefly recap what you discussed in the text at the end. When you're writing, keep in mind the thesis statement you introduced. Provide your perspective and approach to the issue at hand.

Example Essays

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  1. Should Abortions be Legal?

In the history of abortion and its legality, there have been many legal changes that sometimes legalize abortion and other times the legality of abortion is abolished. There has been a continuous debate on abortion though it is legally practiced in some regions.

The main issue that is hotly contested in the debate is when life begins so that the debate shifts from merely thinking about whether abortion is morally good or bad to whether the act violates another person’s right to life or not.

Taking into account both the life of the mother and that of the fetus, abortion should be legalized (Women’s International Network, 1982). The paper discusses the legality of abortion and how illegalizing abortion contravenes the very laws that protect the rights of women.

In this essay, the author of this essay argues that abortion should be recognized as a right, and it should be legalized to protect the rights of women. Religious groups, especially Christians and Muslims, have been known to be anti-abortionists, but their arguments are based on subjective interpretations of their holy books.

Legalizing abortion will allow women to be free from harm that may arise from unwanted pregnancies, and it will also allow women to choose whether they want to keep the child they carry or not.

  1. Should abortion be considered murder?


Abortion is a hotly contested topic in today's political climate. The idea that abortion ought to be treated as murder is among the most divisive arguments. Proponents of this view say abortion should be illegal because it is a purposeful killing of a human being. Although abortion is a touchy and morally complicated subject, this essay argues that it should not be deemed murder.

Some who consider abortion murder argue, principally, that a fetus is a person with all the rights and dignity accorded to any other human being. They claim that the fetus can live since it is a living being with the capacity to mature into a human being. Hence, abortion is a form of capital murder.

However, there are several counterarguments to this position. Firstly, the idea that a fetus has the same inherent rights as a fully-formed human being is problematic. While a fetus may be a living being, it is not the same as a fully-formed human being with thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The concept of personhood, which defines the attributes necessary for someone to be considered a person, is not clearly defined, and as such, the question of when a fetus becomes a person is a contentious issue.

Furthermore, the argument that a fetus has the right to life ignores the rights and autonomy of the mother. It is essential to acknowledge that pregnancy and childbirth are complex and challenging experiences that can have significant physical, emotional, and psychological effects on a woman's body and well-being. Therefore, women should have the right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy without fear of legal repercussions.

It is also important to consider the broader social and economic implications of abortion. Criminalizing abortion would not prevent women from having abortions. Instead, it would drive the practice underground and put the health and safety of women at risk. Moreover, it would disproportionately impact marginalized communities who may not have access to safe and legal abortion services, leading to further social and economic inequality.

Finally, it is worth noting that the position that abortion is murder is often based on religious or moral beliefs that are not shared by everyone. While it is essential to respect individual beliefs and values, it is not appropriate to impose them on others through the law.


In conclusion, the assertion that abortion is murder is a highly contentious and morally complex issue. While it is understandable that some may view abortion as the deliberate taking of human life, this perspective does not fully account for the rights and autonomy of women, the complexity of personhood, and the broader social and economic implications of criminalizing abortion. Instead, we should focus on ensuring that women have access to safe and legal abortion services and support them in making informed and autonomous decisions about their bodies and reproductive health.

  1. What are the effects of abortion on a woman’s health?


Abortion is a medical procedure that involves ending a pregnancy. It is a sensitive and controversial issue that raises questions about a woman's physical and mental health. This essay will examine the effects of abortion on a woman's health, both physical and psychological, and provide a balanced and informative perspective on the matter.

Physical Effects:

The physical effects of abortion vary depending on the method used and the gestational age of the fetus. In general, abortions performed during the first trimester are considered safe and have a low risk of complications. However, abortions performed during the second or third trimester are more complicated and may have a higher risk of complications.

Some of the physical effects of abortion can include:

Bleeding and cramping - These are common side effects of abortion, particularly in the days and weeks following the procedure.

Infection - There is a risk of infection following an abortion, particularly if the procedure is performed in an unsafe or unsanitary environment.

Damage to the cervix - In some cases, an abortion may cause damage to the cervix, which can increase the risk of premature delivery or cervical incompetence in future pregnancies.

Emotional and psychological effects - Abortion can have a profound impact on a woman's emotional and psychological well-being. The psychological effects of abortion can include depression, anxiety, guilt, and grief.

Psychological Effects:

The psychological effects of abortion can be just as significant as the physical effects. The decision to have an abortion can be a difficult and emotional one, and it can have a lasting impact on a woman's mental health.

Some of the psychological effects of abortion can include:

Depression - Many women experience feelings of sadness, grief, and depression following an abortion.

Anxiety - Some women may experience anxiety, panic attacks, or other forms of psychological distress following an abortion.

Guilt and Shame - Many women feel guilt and shame after having an abortion, which can have a significant impact on their mental health.

Relationship Issues - Abortion can have a significant impact on a woman's relationships, including with her partner, family, and friends.

Substance Abuse - Some women may turn to alcohol or drugs as a way of coping with the emotional and psychological effects of abortion.


In conclusion, abortion can have a significant impact on a woman's physical and mental health. While abortions performed during the first trimester are generally considered safe and have a low risk of complications, abortions performed during the second or third trimester can be more complicated and may have a higher risk of complications. 

Moreover, the psychological effects of abortion can be just as significant as the physical effects, including depression, anxiety, guilt, and grief. Therefore, women must have access to accurate information, counseling, and support before and after an abortion to ensure that they can make an informed decision and receive the appropriate care and support.

  1. What should be the lowest age for abortion?


The issue of what should be the lowest age for abortion is a sensitive and controversial topic. It raises questions about young person's autonomy, their right to make decisions about their own body, and the role of parents and society in protecting their welfare. This essay will examine the current laws and regulations surrounding abortion for minors, as well as the ethical and practical considerations of setting a minimum age for abortion.

Current Laws and Regulations:

Abortion laws and regulations for minors differ widely across nations and states. In some of these countries, like the United States, children can get an abortion without their parent’s knowledge or permission, but in others, like Canada, they need their parents' permission beforehand.

Although the Supreme Court has established a constitutional right to abortion for minors in the United States, individual states retain the power to set limitations on this right, including parental approval and notification requirements. Presently, 37 states call for parental participation, while only 13 do not.

By Canadian law, a juvenile cannot legally get an abortion without the approval of one of their parents or a judge. Several jurisdictions, notably Quebec, do not require parental notification or consent for minors to access abortion services.

Ethical and Practical Considerations:

Setting a minimum age for abortion raises ethical and practical considerations. On the one hand, minors have a right to make decisions about their bodies, including whether or not to have an abortion. Moreover, many young people may face difficult or dangerous situations, such as rape or incest, and may need access to abortion services without parental involvement.

On the other hand, there are concerns about the welfare of minors and the role of parents and society in protecting their well-being. Some argue that minors are not mature enough to make such a significant decision and that parental involvement is necessary to ensure that they receive appropriate care and support.

Another practical consideration is the ability of minors to access abortion services. In some areas, there may be a lack of services or resources, which can make it difficult for minors to obtain an abortion, even if they are legally entitled to do so.


In conclusion, the issue of what should be the lowest age for abortion is a complex and sensitive topic. The laws and regulations surrounding abortion for minors vary widely, and there are ethical and practical considerations to be taken into account when setting a minimum age. 

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have an abortion should be left to the individual, with appropriate care and support provided to ensure that they can make an informed decision and receive the appropriate care. However, it is important to ensure that minors are protected and supported and that they have access to the resources and services they need to make the best decision for themselves.

  1. The attitude to abortion in different cultures


Abortion is a highly debated and controversial topic all around the world. Different cultures and religions have varying views on this topic, and these attitudes toward abortion are often influenced by social, ethical, and religious beliefs. While some cultures consider it a personal decision, others see it as a moral or ethical issue. This essay will examine the attitudes toward abortion in different cultures and highlight the various factors that influence these attitudes.

Attitudes to abortion in different cultures:

United States:

In the United States, the attitude toward abortion is highly polarized. The debate often centers around the right to life and the right to choose. Those who are pro-choice argue that women should have the right to choose whether or not to terminate a pregnancy, while those who are pro-life believe that life begins at conception and that abortion is therefore tantamount to murder. These attitudes have been shaped by a variety of factors, including religious beliefs, political ideology, and personal experiences.


In China, the government has historically enforced a one-child policy, which prohibited couples from having more than one child. This policy was implemented to control population growth, and as a result, the attitude towards abortion in China is more accepting. Many couples have terminated pregnancies to comply with the policy, and abortion has become a socially accepted method of birth control.


In India, the attitude towards abortion is influenced by the religious beliefs of the population. While Hinduism does not have a specific stance on abortion, it is generally seen as unacceptable in traditional Hindu culture. However, in modern-day India, the attitudes towards abortion have become more accepting, and it is seen as a means of family planning. Additionally, India's government has implemented policies to promote family planning and reduce population growth, which has led to more widespread acceptance of abortion.

Islamic Countries:

In Islamic countries, the attitude towards abortion is generally negative. Islam places a high value on the sanctity of life, and therefore, abortion is considered a sin in most Islamic cultures. However, some Muslim scholars argue that abortion is permissible in certain circumstances, such as when the mother's life is in danger or when the fetus has a severe deformity. Overall, however, the attitude towards abortion in Islamic cultures is highly influenced by religious beliefs and the interpretation of Islamic law.


In conclusion, attitudes towards abortion vary greatly across cultures and are influenced by a wide range of factors, including religious beliefs, political ideology, and personal experiences. While some cultures have become more accepting of abortion as a means of family planning, others continue to view it as a moral or ethical issue. Ultimately, the decision to have an abortion should be a personal one, and individuals should have the right to choose what is best for themselves and their families. It is important for societies to respect the beliefs and values of others and to promote policies that ensure access to safe and legal abortion services for those who choose to pursue them.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, writing a compelling essay on the topic of abortion can be challenging, but it's also an opportunity to explore a complex and important issue in depth. By examining the different types of abortion and considering the various arguments for and against it, you can craft a nuanced and thought-provoking essay that engages readers and sheds new light on the topic.

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So why wait? Sign up for a free trial of Jenni.ai today and start writing your own outstanding essays on abortion or any other topic that inspires you. With our help, you can achieve your writing goals and make your voice heard in the world.

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