Feb 20, 2023

5 Essays About the Importance of Diversity for Students and Writers

Looking for essays about the importance of diversity for students and writers? We got you covered! Check out our 5 examples!

Due to the fact that there are approximately 7.8 billion people on this planet, the range of individuals and cultures that we come into contact with on a daily basis is immense and constantly evolving. Every day, we talk to people from a wide variety of backgrounds and walks of life. In the "real world," it does not matter a person's gender, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or social level; all people are simply referred to as "people."

It's incredible to think that we're already halfway through the year 2020. I believe that everyone has been taken aback by the abrupt and drastic change that has been brought about in our everyday lives as a direct result of the global epidemic. The recent incidences of absolute discrimination, on the other hand, have shed an unfavorable light on the manner in which our allegedly more educated society reacts to overt displays of racism, homophobia, and sexism.

In order for any organization or group to be successful, its members need to come from a diverse range of backgrounds and have a variety of points of view. It's a notion that's been floating about for some time in the business and academic spheres, and it's developed into an essential component of many different hiring processes. As a direct consequence of this, many businesses now mandate diversity training for newly hired employees.

It can be highly advantageous to have a group of people who are distinct from one another in many ways. To begin, it paves the way for enterprises to make use of a wider variety of expertise from a wider variety of sources. Second, it decreases the chance of the damaging impact that groupthink has on the process of decision-making. In conclusion, it helps firms become more open-minded and welcoming of different points of view by increasing their sensitivity to diversity.

The admissions committees at higher education institutions ought to place a far larger focus on diversity. When there is more diversity among the student body, there is a larger pool of singular experiences and thoughts from which to draw when developing ground-breaking solutions. This also creates the opportunity for students to get knowledge from individuals who have distinct points of view. This can help them develop their analytical and problem-solving skills, which can be beneficial in the long run.

In a nutshell, more diversity is beneficial to individuals as well as organisations in a number of important ways. You will be better off in the long run if you come to this conclusion and begin working as soon as possible to incorporate this thought into your recruitment practices. You will be better off in the short run if you do not come to this decision.

Jenni.ai is a natural language processing system that can perform an analysis of any data in a couple of minutes and present you with suggestions for topics to write about in an essay. Try using Jenni.ai if you're having trouble getting started on an essay about the reasons why it's crucial for students and authors to come from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. You can get this application on the internet and download it to your computer.

You want to have a look at some different examples of diversity essays before you use Jenni.ai, right? Next, have a look at some examples of diversity essays, which are as follows:

5 Examples of Diversity Essays

  1. Importance of Diversity

Because it enriches our society with new points of view, diversity is unquestionably beneficial and necessary for the growth of every person, group, organisation, government, and nation on Earth. People who are closed-minded and hostile to the idea of diversity in their communities. Before delving into the specifics of how crucial variety is, there is one fact that must be grasped.

Because it enriches our society with new points of view, diversity is unquestionably beneficial and necessary for the growth of every person, group, organisation, government, and nation on Earth. People who are closed-minded and hostile to the idea of diversity in their communities. Before delving into the specifics of how crucial variety is, there is one fact that must be grasped.

The saying, "variety is the spice of life," couldn't be more appropriate. Likewise, life without the presence of differences is like bland food: it serves little purpose. When seen through a different lens, every major event illustrates the value of diversity.

The saying, "variety is the spice of life," couldn't be more appropriate. Likewise, life without the presence of differences is like bland food: it serves little purpose. When seen through a different lens, every major event illustrates the value of diversity.

Can the Olympics be held even if only the archery competition is held? Absolutely not! The variety of events at the Olympics is a large part of what makes it so fascinating and well-known around the globe.

We can all agree that healthy competition is crucial for progress and success in any endeavour. In the same way, when diversity coexists with peace and harmony, it inspires everyone to perform at their highest level.

However, if societies fail to embrace diversity as a way of life, it can have catastrophic consequences like war and even genocide. Every person has a responsibility to appreciate the value of diversity and to provide a way forward in which it can be leveraged to maximum effect.

  1. Why Diversity is Important for Education?

Commonly accepted definitions of diversity include socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, and religious faith. New ideas about diversity and inclusion have emerged, changing the emphasis from fostering intercultural tolerance to expanding human knowledge and experience through the concept of "unity in difference."

To any internationally-minded educator, the concept of "unity in diversity" within the classroom is no longer a radical one. Having an international student body or access to technology that facilitates student engagement with foreign knowledge and culture are both viable options for achieving this goal.

Results of Diversity on Students 

Student Performance 

Learning is enhanced when gaps are explored and differences are investigated. Incorporating diverse perspectives into the classroom has been shown to significantly improve academic outcomes. A study done by researchers at the Queen's University of Charlotte found that students performed better and tried more in diverse classroom settings. Students gain a more comprehensive understanding of a topic by delving into it from multiple angles, which is made possible when lessons are tailored to their individual needs and interests. This gives them a larger perspective and allows them to think more deeply.


The ability to comprehend and apply knowledge, data, and facts in novel ways is another benefit of studying in a group setting with a variety of people. Participating in group activities with a variety of people in the group can help foster an environment conducive to innovation and cooperation in the classroom. Critical thinking and problem-solving, especially when applied to real-world business issues, benefit from bringing together students from a variety of backgrounds.

Combatting Prejudice  

It has been established that students benefit from learning in classrooms with a wide range of cultural backgrounds. It promotes intercultural awareness by exposing kids to new languages and cultures.

Business Competence 

Hiring students with a global perspective has become increasingly important as the focus of many companies shifts to growth and expansion on a worldwide scale. This necessitates the recruitment of students who are able to think critically and creatively under pressure, who are fluent in more than one language, who have dealt with people from different cultural backgrounds, and who are familiar with the ways.

Students should be adequately prepared for the worldwide workplace at all levels of education, from elementary school through college and beyond. Being a part of a school, community, or even a country that is culturally and linguistically diverse necessitates that teachers embrace these realities.

EU Business School is the first school in the world to receive a perfect score (100) in all three categories of diversity (foreign faculty, student nationalities, and gender balance) in the QS Global MBA Rankings 2020.

We are pleased to be the model for multicultural learning communities around the world and to be training learners for successful international business careers by enrolling students from over a hundred different countries.

What are the benefits of Diversity in Schools?

Since the 1990s, the number of Hispanic and Asian students enrolled in U.S. schools has increased by more than five million, having a significant impact on the country's educational and social landscape. This was recently highlighted in a New York Times study on immigration. While there is no doubt that diversity in the classroom has positive effects, such effects are contingent on how diversity is actually acknowledged.

Understanding Diversity

While ethnicity is certainly one factor in diversity, there are many others, especially in the classroom, that are just as important. Promoting diversity in schools requires keeping in mind a wide range of important aspects, including but not limited to religious beliefs, gender, socioeconomic status, and individual learning styles. It is essential to have lesson plans that address all forms of diversity.

Better Education in Diverse Populations

When students come from a wide range of backgrounds, everyone benefits. Evidence suggests that when children are exposed to a wide variety of perspectives and experiences in the classroom, they are better able to focus and excel. Because people with different perspectives are able to work together to find answers, this boosts innovation and education.

Students are not the only demographic to consider when talking about diversity. Diverse perspectives and experiences from within the team are essential. Students pursuing an MA in Educational Leadership from the Queen's University of Charlotte can gain the human resource management skills necessary to effectively examine and evaluate a variety of staffing choices through their curriculum in leading diversity.

Students of all backgrounds benefit from having teachers they can relate to, which may be achieved through encouraging diversity in the teaching workforce.

Students Feel Safer

The pupils in a recent study published in the journal "Child Development" reported feeling more secure in both the classroom and in later life. By learning about people from different origins, students can develop a more positive attitude towards diversity. Because of this, they have a stronger sense of personal security.

Implementing Diverse Education

When we talk about fostering diversity in schools, we're talking about more than just getting kids from different walks of life to enroll in the same classes. A critical examination of the effects of diversity on the classroom environment is required of administrative personnel. Graduates with a degree in school administration are better equipped to promote and teach diversity as a method to embrace it. Educators and school administrators can educate children to realise that despite superficial differences, we are all the same and deserving of respect. This will go a long way towards preparing today's youth to embrace and advocate for diversity in their communities.

The ability to establish inclusive communities through the use of human resource functions like recruiting and orientation is a crucial talent for educators who aspire to leadership roles. Those who wish to advance their careers as school administrators need to have a firm grasp on how to incorporate diversity into the classroom.

  1. What are the positive and negative impacts of diversity on the students of the classroom?

Discrimination against pupils on the basis of their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or culture is prohibited in schools. Therefore, there is more of a range of backgrounds represented in classrooms, which is generally seen as a positive thing. However, this diversity also has the potential to generate cultural barriers or learning disadvantages for students in the classroom.

Advantages 👍

Cultural Awareness 

Diversity in the classroom provides students with a rich learning environment where they can gain an understanding of and appreciation for different perspectives. This can be a teaching opportunity in and of itself, allowing students to better understand and appreciate the cultural backgrounds of their peers.

Students who have gained an appreciation for various cultures are less likely to have prejudiced beliefs (such as racism or sexism). Student cultural awareness equips them with the tools they need to treat others from diverse backgrounds with dignity and compassion.

Tolerance and Acceptance 

A varied student group can present challenges for some students. This unease, however, usually fades as students become accustomed to working in a classroom with a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives. Working in groups or teams is common in the classroom, and for the sake of getting the job done, students need to put aside their differences and appreciate their teammates.

Knowledge of Language and Culture 

Every day, students encounter members of many various cultural backgrounds in the classroom. Students who are interested in learning another language may approach their peers with questions about the culture of those who speak that language or about the beliefs of those who practise it. Having a wide range of pupils in one classroom encourages students to make friends from different backgrounds and learn from one other about other cultures.

Disadvantages 👎

Cultural Identity 

Cultural aspects of the student's lives are increasingly being incorporated into classroom activities. Subjects like history and social studies, which tend to focus on the country in which they are taught, may not be relevant to students from other countries or with a diverse cultural background who are educated in a different society or language. Students may feel alienated from their classroom if it focuses too heavily on a foreign culture and they are unable to relate to the material being taught.

Social Groups and Social Alienation 

People associate with one another based on shared norms, values, and activities. Students may mix, but they also frequently form cliques based on shared interests and other shared characteristics (i.e., religion, race or gender). Particularly vulnerable to this is any underrepresented group in the classroom, as they may feel left out of the social circles formed by their peers. Discord can emerge in the classroom when students establish cliques, undermining their efforts to learn about and respect the differences of their classmates.

  1. Why is Diversity Important in Writing?

For just one, unless the world you're creating is the most boring place in the, well, world, the people who live there are probably not all exactly the same.

If you don't think that diversity is common, just look around you. Examine the classmates, coworkers, and TV show characters in your life. We no longer accept stereotypes of people with identical appearances across race, ethnicity, age, gender, and sexual orientation.

Diversity will enrich and enliven your story whether you scratch the surface or go all the way into creating new cultures (with their own histories, worldviews, and mythologies). It's the secret to making us care about your supporting cast as much as your main protagonist. Explain how your antagonist's backstory enriches the story. Explain why a character would go against the flow of events and take a left turn when everyone else takes a right one.

And the concept of writing diversity, of elevating underrepresented voices in literature, is not new, though current events have undoubtedly renewed interest in the topic. Even more so than before, recent events have shown why it is crucial for writers of all stripes to include a wide range of perspectives and experiences in their work.

Since inclusive storytelling is so vital, why isn't it more prevalent in popular media? That's simple enough. Diversity writing is difficult because of the amount of research that is required. You can't just say a person is white or black and leave it at that. You need to step it up. One black person's experience in Detroit is not going to be the same as another black person's experience in Los Angeles. One must put themselves in the shoes of the protagonist and guide the reader to do the same.

On top of that, including many perspectives in writing is intimidating. Even more so now that you are aware of how severely some minority groups are still discriminated against. The desire to improve in terms of diversity and representation among authors has led to a paralysis of the pen.

Too many writers are paralysed by the rule "write what you know," which says they shouldn't even try to write on a subject if they don't have firsthand experience with it.

They're worried about causing offence to a marginalised community by inaccurately representing them.

Including diverse characters is frowned upon out of concern that it may turn off potential readers or garner negative feedback.

Even if you recognise and accept your concerns, that won't solve the issue. However, without a wide range of perspectives and experiences, underrepresented groups will continue to be silenced and stereotypical portrayals of imaginary communities will be the norm.

So, before you plunge into writing on diversity, what are some things you should keep in mind? The best five, in our opinion, are as follows:

  • Be genuine

  • Be consistent

  • Stay away from stereotypes

  • Don’t be sad when you feel offended

  • Unless your story is specifically about diversity, diversity should not be the main focus.


In conclusion, diversity is extremely important because it can be found in so many different settings and it provides so many different benefits. In the first place, it makes the process of making decisions, in general, a great deal better since it makes it possible to conduct a more in-depth study and evaluation of the many perspectives. Second, by providing students with opportunities to participate in multicultural immersions and a marketplace of ideas, variety significantly improves scholastic practices.

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