Mar 23, 2023

Best Topics & Ideas To Write on Your Essay

Struggling to find the perfect topic for your essay? Look no further. Whether you're a student, a professional writer, or just looking to flex your creative muscles, we've compiled a list of the best topics and ideas to inspire your writing and take your essay to the next level.

Essay writing is a vital talent for those continuing their education after high school. An essay demonstrates the author's ability to deliberate over and investigate a subject, and to either convince or educate the reader. Even with this, it can be difficult to come up with specific subjects for essays.

Writing essays can be a dull and tiresome process. A decent essay takes time to write, and coming up with a subject to write about can be even more of a headache. This is the main reason why essay writing is so challenging and time-consuming. Essay writing is a skill that can be learned with time and practice, as well as by looking at excellent samples. But before you start writing your essay, you need to know how to pick a subject that will keep your readers interested.

To get you started, we've organised a bunch of collections of essay topics by category.

Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay conducts in-depth research on a subject, develops a thesis, and then defends that case with evidence.

Persuasive Essay 

The purpose of a persuasive essay is to convince the viewer. To persuade readers, use writing that is thought-provoking, interesting, and logical. Topics for persuasive essays are those that require more opinion and analysis and less emphasis on hard evidence than explanatory essays, which may also argue for a specific point of view or cause.

Descriptive Essay 

Descriptive writing's primary function is to paint a visual picture in the reader's mind. To write a descriptive essay, you'll need to introduce your main idea and describe it using a variety of words. A person, place, time, or emotion can all be described. Contrary to story essays, you will not be required to use the first person here.

Narrative Essay 

One common goal of narrative essay subjects is to tell a story based on the author's life. A tale essay frequently makes use of personal experience to demonstrate a point. They have an overarching theme and are organised in the standard essay format (introduction, body, and end). In addition, there are characters and plot developments.

Research Essay 

A research essay is a written composition that presents findings from an investigation into a subject with which the writer is unfamiliar. Reading the works of specialists, i.e., conducting the study, is a great way to gain knowledge on the subject at hand.

Expository Essay 

Expository writings are used to explain something by providing evidence. They require students to investigate a topic, form an opinion, and back up their findings with evidence. Topics for expository essays are composed using valid logic and citing credible sources like scientific studies.

Compare and Contrast Essay

A comparison and contrast essay is an academic writing assignment in which the author is asked to assess and evaluate the parallels and differences between two distinct entities. After considering the arguments you've presented, the reader should be able to make up their mind.

Cause and Effect Essay 

An essay that discusses both the reasons for an event and the consequences of that event is called a "cause and effect" essay. One form of explanatory writing is the cause-and-effect essay.

Informative Essay 

A good instructive essay should teach the reader something new. Their purposes range from defining a word to analysing data to providing a how-to guide. Nonetheless, they don't offer a viewpoint or make an effort to convince your reader.

Best Examples and Ideas for Essay Writing

  1. Argumentative Essay

Should Plastic Be Banned?

Plastic is a synthetic material that has become ubiquitous in our modern world. From packaging to construction materials and from clothing to electronics, plastic is used in a vast array of products. However, plastic has been proven to have significant environmental impacts, and there is increasing concern about its use. While there are arguments for and against a plastic ban, there is a growing movement to eliminate plastic. This essay will explore both sides of the debate and make a case for why plastic should be banned.

There are many reasons to support a plastic ban. First and foremost, plastic pollution is a significant environmental problem. Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, and much of it ends up in our oceans and waterways, where it harms marine life and ecosystems. This not only affects the animals that live in these habitats, but it also has a ripple effect on the entire food chain. Many fish and other seafood contain microplastics, which can be harmful to human health when consumed.

Secondly, plastic is a non-renewable resource. The production of plastic requires the use of fossil fuels, which are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. By banning plastic, we can reduce our dependence on these limited resources and shift towards more sustainable alternatives.

Thirdly, a plastic ban could stimulate innovation and create new jobs. As companies look for alternatives to plastic, there will be a demand for new materials and technologies. This could lead to the development of new industries and the creation of new jobs.

Despite the arguments in favour of a plastic ban, there are also valid arguments against it. One of the main concerns is that banning plastic could be costly and inconvenient. Plastic is used in so many products that it would be difficult to eliminate it without causing significant disruptions to our economy and daily lives. It would be more practical to reduce plastic use rather than ban it altogether.

Another argument against a plastic ban is that it could lead to an increase in the use of other materials that are equally harmful to the environment. For example, paper bags and cotton totes have a higher carbon footprint than plastic bags, and they also require more resources to produce.

In conclusion, the plastic ban debate is complex and multifaceted. While there are valid arguments on both sides, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the need for a plastic ban. Plastic pollution is a significant environmental problem that poses a threat to our health and the health of our planet. By eliminating plastic, we can reduce our dependence on non-renewable resources, stimulate innovation, and create new jobs. Of course, it won't be easy to ban plastic entirely, but we must start somewhere. We can reduce our plastic use and explore alternatives that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly. It's time to take action to protect our planet and preserve it for future generations.

  1. Causes and Effects Essay

What are the main factors that contribute to natural disasters?

Natural disasters have been a part of our planet's history since the beginning of time. They are events that occur without human intervention, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and wildfires. These disasters can cause significant damage to infrastructure, communities, and the environment, and they can result in the loss of human life. In this essay, we will explore the main factors that contribute to natural disasters.

Geological factors are the primary cause of many natural disasters. Earthquakes, for example, occur when tectonic plates in the Earth's crust shift and release energy, causing the ground to shake. Volcanic eruptions are also geological events that can cause significant damage to the surrounding area. When a volcano erupts, it can spew ash and lava, destroying nearby communities.

The climate is another significant factor that contributes to natural disasters. Hurricanes and typhoons, for instance, are caused by warm ocean temperatures, low-pressure systems, and high humidity. Tornadoes are also a result of climatic factors, occurring when warm and cold air masses collide.

Hydrological factors are related to water and are responsible for natural disasters such as floods, tsunamis, and landslides. Heavy rainfall can cause rivers to overflow their banks, leading to severe flooding. Tsunamis are created when there is an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption, causing waves to form that can devastate coastal communities. Landslides can also occur when heavy rains saturate the soil, causing it to become unstable.

Biological factors can also contribute to natural disasters. Wildfires, for example, are often caused by human activity, such as carelessly discarded cigarettes or campfires. However, they can also be caused by natural events, such as lightning strikes or volcanic activity. Insects and diseases can also cause natural disasters, such as locust swarms that destroy crops or epidemics that spread through populations.

While natural disasters are events that occur without human intervention, humans can contribute to the severity of these events. For example, deforestation can increase the likelihood of landslides and floods, as there are fewer trees to hold the soil in place. Climate change caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels has also been linked to more frequent and severe natural disasters.

In conclusion, natural disasters are caused by a variety of factors, including geological, climatic, hydrological, biological, and human factors. While many of these events are beyond human control, we can take steps to mitigate their impact. This includes measures such as building infrastructure that can withstand natural disasters, creating emergency response plans, and promoting sustainable practices that reduce our impact on the environment. It is also important to recognize that natural disasters can be unpredictable, and we must be prepared to respond quickly and effectively when they occur. By understanding the main factors that contribute to natural disasters, we can better prepare for and mitigate their impact on our communities and the environment.

  1. Informative Essay

Why do individuals see the light when they are in a coma?

The phenomenon of people seeing the light when they are in a coma has been documented for many years. While it may be dismissed by some as a hallucination or dream, others believe that it is evidence of an afterlife or a higher power. In this essay, we will explore the reasons why individuals see the light when they are in a coma.

Before delving into the phenomenon of seeing the light during a coma, it is important to understand what a coma is. A coma is a state of prolonged unconsciousness that can be caused by a variety of factors, including traumatic brain injuries, infections, and strokes. When an individual is in a coma, they are unresponsive to external stimuli and cannot be awakened.

One theory is that when an individual is in a coma, their brain is still active. While they may be unresponsive to external stimuli, their brain may still be processing information. During this time, the brain creates a visual experience of bright light.  This could be similar to the phenomenon of dreaming, where the brain creates a vivid experience while the individual is unconscious.

Another theory is that individuals who see the light during a coma are experiencing a near-death experience. It is believed that when an individual is close to death, they may have an out-of-body experience or see a bright light. This experience is often associated with feelings of peace and calmness.

A lack of oxygen to the brain, known as hypoxia, can cause individuals to experience a bright light. This is because the brain is not receiving enough oxygen, and the individual may begin to hallucinate. The bright light could be a result of the brain's attempt to create an image to make sense of the situation.

Some individuals believe that seeing the light during a coma is evidence of a spiritual experience. They may interpret the experience as evidence of an afterlife or a higher power. This interpretation may be influenced by cultural or religious beliefs.

While there is no definitive answer to why individuals see the light when they are in a coma, there are several theories that attempt to explain the phenomenon. A combination of factors, such as brain activity, oxygen deprivation, and near-death experiences, could contribute to the experience. For those who interpret the experience as evidence of a spiritual realm, it may offer comfort and hope. However, it is important to remember that this is a complex and personal experience, and each individual's interpretation may be unique. Regardless of the cause, the phenomenon of seeing the light during a coma highlights the mysteries of the human brain and the complexity of consciousness.

  1. Persuasive Essay

Should employers go through the candidate’s social media profiles?

In today's digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for individuals to express themselves and connect with others. However, as social media becomes increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, questions arise about the role of social media in the workplace. One such question is whether employers should go through a candidate's social media profiles as part of the hiring process. In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of employers reviewing candidates' social media profiles.

Employers may review a candidate's social media profiles to screen for any red flags or potential concerns. For example, a candidate's social media profile may reveal unprofessional behaviour or inappropriate content, which could be a warning sign of potential issues in the workplace.

Employers may also review a candidate's social media profiles to determine whether they would be a good fit for the company culture. By reviewing a candidate's social media activity, an employer can get a sense of their personality, interests, and values, which can help them determine whether the candidate would thrive in the company's culture.

Social media profiles can serve as a tool for employers to verify information provided in a candidate's resume. For example, if a candidate claims to have experience in a certain field, an employer may review their social media profiles to see if they have posted about relevant topics or if they have connections in the field.

One of the primary concerns with employers reviewing social media profiles is that it may be an invasion of privacy. Candidates may feel uncomfortable with the idea of employers going through their social media accounts, which are often intended for friends and family.

Employers may also be at risk of discriminating against candidates based on information found on social media profiles. For example, an employer may be biased against a candidate based on their race, religion, or political views, even if those views are unrelated to the job.

Social media profiles can be deceiving and may not accurately reflect a candidate's qualifications or personality. Employers may make judgments based on a candidate's social media activity, which may not be an accurate representation of who they are as a professional.

While there are both pros and cons to employers going through candidates' social media profiles, the decision ultimately depends on the individual company's policies and values. Employers need to consider the potential risks of invading a candidate's privacy or discriminating against them based on irrelevant factors. At the same time, social media can be a valuable tool for employers to screen for red flags or verify a candidate's qualifications. Ultimately, employers should weigh the benefits and risks of reviewing social media profiles and make a decision that is consistent with their company culture and values.

  1. Descriptive Essay

What will life be like in 2050?

As we approach the middle of the 21st century, it is natural to wonder what life will be like in the year 2050. Advances in technology, changes in demographics, and shifts in global politics are likely to shape the world in ways that we cannot yet fully predict. In this essay, we will explore some of the key trends and predictions for life in 2050.

One of the most significant changes expected in 2050 is the shifting demographics of the world. According to the United Nations, the global population is projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, with the majority of this growth occurring in developing countries. This growth will have implications for everything from healthcare to education to global politics.

Technology is likely to advance at a rapid pace in the coming decades, changing the way we work, communicate, and live our lives. The development of artificial intelligence, automation, and robotics is likely to transform many industries, from healthcare to manufacturing to transportation. Virtual and augmented reality technologies will enable new forms of entertainment and communication, while advances in biotechnology and genetics may lead to new medical treatments and longer lifespans.

Climate change and other environmental concerns are likely to be major issues in 2050. Rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and natural disasters will continue to affect communities around the world. Governments, businesses, and individuals will need to take action to reduce carbon emissions, protect natural resources, and adapt to a changing climate.

The political landscape is likely to be vastly different in 2050, with new power centres emerging and old alliances shifting. China, India, and other developing nations are likely to play a more prominent role on the world stage, while the influence of Western powers may decline. The rise of nationalism, populism, and protectionism in some countries may also have implications for international relations and global cooperation.

Advances in technology and demographic changes are likely to have significant implications for the world of work and education. Many jobs may be automated, while others may require new skills and training. Online learning and other forms of technology may make education more accessible and flexible, while also raising questions about the future of traditional educational institutions.

Predicting what life will be like in 2050 is, of course, an exercise in speculation. However, based on current trends and projections, it is likely that the world in 2050 will be vastly different from the world we know today. Demographic changes, technological advances, environmental concerns, and shifting global politics are just a few of the factors that will shape our future. It is up to us as individuals and as a society to anticipate these changes and work together to create a future that is both sustainable and equitable

Final Words

In conclusion, coming up with a good essay topic can be challenging, but with the right approach and inspiration, you can create a fantastic piece that engages and enlightens your readers. Whether you choose to explore a unique personal experience, analyze a current social issue, or dive into a thought-provoking philosophical concept, the key is to find a topic that you are passionate about and can communicate effectively.

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