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Exploring the Role of Neural Networks in Natural Language Processing: A Comprehensive Survey

Bahr LS, Bock M, Liebscher D, Bellmann-Strobl J, Franz L, Prüß A et al.

Nature Science


Interactions between the ribosomal exit tunnel and the nascent peptide can affect translation elongation rates. While previous studies have already demonstrated the feasibility of such interactions, little is known about the nature ...See more

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A Multiclassifier-based Near-Real-Time Face Detection System

H. Wu and J. Zelek

International Journal of Robotics and Automation,


Interactions between the ribosomal exit tunnel and the nascent peptide can affect translation elongation rates. While previous studies have already demonstrated the feasibility of such interactions, little is known about the nature ...See more

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Most Recent

Exploring the Role of Neural Networks in Natural Language Processing: A Comprehensive Survey

Bahr LS, Bock M, Liebscher D, Bellmann-Strobl J, Franz L, Prüß A et al.

Nature Science


Interactions between the ribosomal exit tunnel and the nascent peptide can affect translation elongation rates. While previous studies have already demonstrated the feasibility of such interactions, little is known about the nature ...See more

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A Multiclassifier-based Near-Real-Time Face Detection System

H. Wu and J. Zelek

International Journal of Robotics and Automation,


Interactions between the ribosomal exit tunnel and the nascent peptide can affect translation elongation rates. While previous studies have already demonstrated the feasibility of such interactions, little is known about the nature ...See more

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Most Recent

Exploring the Role of Neural Networks in Natural Language Processing: A Comprehensive Survey

Bahr LS, Bock M, Liebscher D, Bellmann-Strobl J, Franz L, Prüß A et al.

Nature Science


Interactions between the ribosomal exit tunnel and the nascent peptide can affect translation elongation rates. While previous studies have already demonstrated the feasibility of such interactions, little is known about the nature ...See more

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A Multiclassifier-based Near-Real-Time Face Detection System

H. Wu and J. Zelek

International Journal of Robotics and Automation,


Interactions between the ribosomal exit tunnel and the nascent peptide can affect translation elongation rates. While previous studies have already demonstrated the feasibility of such interactions, little is known about the nature ...See more

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Implications of Climate Change
Due to their long atmospheric lifetimes and high warming potentials, fluorinated gases contribute significantly to climate change. Efforts have been made to reduce the emissions of these gases through the implementation of international agreements and regulations.
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Implications of Climate Change
Due to their long atmospheric lifetimes and high warming potentials, fluorinated gases contribute significantly to climate change. Efforts have been made to reduce the emissions of these gases through the implementation of international agreements and regulations.
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Implications of Climate Change
Due to their long atmospheric lifetimes and high warming potentials, fluorinated gases contribute significantly to climate change. Efforts have been made to reduce the emissions of these gases through the implementation of international agreements and regulations.

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Research through design as a method for interaction design research in HCI

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What was the research methodology used in the paper

Research through design as a method for interaction design research in HCI

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Research through design as a method for interaction design research in HCI

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