
Unisciti a noi per rimuovere l' 'artificiale' dall'IA

Posizioni aperte

Stiamo cercando le menti più brillanti per unirsi a noi nella rivoluzione della collaborazione uomo + AI.

Puoi lavorare con poche indicazioni, apprendere velocemente e adattarti ai cambiamenti dei requisiti del prodotto. Essere in una startup è dinamico e rischioso - e questo è precisamente l'ambiente in cui ti realizzi.

Siamo un team che privilegia il lavoro da remoto. L'orario di lavoro è flessibile con ferie pagate flessibili.



Singapore Timezone

Software Engineer (Tech Lead)

As a tech lead, you are a master of architecting and building full-stack applications. You are a core product builder for Jenni. You have a breadth of technical skills and the ability to pick up new knowledge quickly. You are responsible for all technical matters of the product. You will lead a technical team, coordinate with other engineers and perform code reviews to ensure high code quality. You will decide on our technical direction, coordinate and negotiate with external stakeholders.



Singapore Timezone

AI Engineer

As an AI engineer, you are a master of tinkering and engineering with large language models. You are a core product builder for Jenni. You have experience with machine learning and an in-depth understanding of how language models work. You are responsible for the AI performance and quality in Jenni. You should be comfortable deploying API endpoints and developing robust backend systems.